Sunday, July 26, 2009

better angels

Recently, I've been thinking about the nature of friendship.

On what kind of friend I've been (sometimes good, sometimes not so good), what friendships I've fostered or been fostered by, the different types of friends that float in and out of my life and the ones that have been stalwart and sure for decades.

A big part of my identity has always been based in my self perception of "friend."

Much of what I consider to be good in my life is based not on my intelligence, experience or humor...but in the intelligence, experience and humor shared and discovered with my friends.

Tonight, as I kicked back with a group of folks I would likely go to the ends of the earth for, I told an old chestnut of a long-running joke about one of my oldest and dearest friends who was present. After the laughter died down and most of the crowd left us alone, I asked him if he ever got mad at me for some stupid thing I say or did. He thought about it for a moment and said no. (Which I think has a little more to do with him being such a laid back and easy going fella and less to do with my loud mouth.)

It made me consider the times I've been a good friend and other times when I've been kind of a louse and my very good fortune of having friends willing to put up with the louse-y parts of my personality to enjoy what might be my better angels.

Then I saw this video and I'm amazed by how much it says (and so simply) how much I wish I could go back and undo all the silly, stupid things I may have done or said to my friends (and even folks that just crossed my path at the wrong moment) who I might have injured - even on the smallest level.

I suppose this is an unofficial declaration of my rededication to the friendships in my world - of all shapes and sizes.


music is bliss said...

Yeah, I know what you mean. The cool thing is, with FB I've been able to get in touch with people and actually apologize. I've looked for a couple of others but haven't found them yet...

rebar said...

The artist in the video - Kate Miller-Heidke - has another song (which lead me to this one) called "R U F*cking Kidding Me" (credit to Em for introducing me to that...on FB) which is about some old jagoff boyfriend who now, years later, is trying to "friend" her on FB.

The power FB comes with many gifts...and many pies in the face.