Wednesday, March 17, 2010

While On My Way To Hell

If I haven't mentioned it, I'm a participating director in 365 Sketches.

Joe Janes, who is many things, but mainly what I would call, "a writer" gave himself a challenge to write one sketch a day for a year. Fuck yeah, he did it!

Now, with the assistance of Don Hall, every single one of those sketches will be performed in 26 revues over ten nights in June at the Strawdog Theater's Hugen Hall (more show info as we approach June.) Each revue will be compromised of two week's worth of sketches.

I'm directing weeks 13 and 14, which Joe has so aptly titled, "While On My Way To Hell."

These are truly sketches which show a different, sometimes darker side to Mr. Janes...and man, I adore them. Darkly humorous, heartbreakingly honest at points - every time I read them, I get a little more excited to put a cast together and run them.

If you're interested in being a part of my cast (or any of the other 25 revues), you can audition for the show (or, if we've worked together before, drop me a line) next Saturday, March 27th.

There is currently a wait list, but I'm telling you, some yahoo will cancel at the last minute or blow off the audition, because there are always inconsiderate idiots who do that shit.

So, getting on the wait list is a good idea.

Since this is a one night only show, there will likely only be a few intensive rehearsals scheduled. This is one of those opportunities to be involved with something pretty unique and exciting...with a small time commitment.


To schedule a slot (or get on the wait list) email Joe at and he'll get back to you with a time slot.

WHERE: Zoo Studios, 4001 N Ravenswood (just off the Irving Pk Brown line stop)
WHEN: Saturday, March 27th from 11-6pm
WHAT: Small group auditions - improvisation and cold readings.

Some of the other talented director types you'll be auditioning for include: Rich Baker, Mary Jo Bolduc, Regan Davis, Becky Eldridge, Jen Ellison, David Rocco Facchini, Jason Fleece, Lillie Frances, Rose Kruger, Bina Martin, Scott Olson, Chris Othic, Rinska Prestinary Amanda Roundtree, Tony Soto, Rachel Staelens, Derek Van Tassel, Trish Vignola, Rebekah Walendzak and Wendi Weber.

The show I'm directing will run on Saturday, June 5th at 10pm.

I am uber stoked about this project. Uber, yo!

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