Friday, May 1, 2009

rock paper scissors lizard spock

Next week, I'm taking a sabbatical from blogging as we enter the final phase of getting the show up on its feet.

We have one week left to take the training wheels off this bad boy.

Did I's a comedy?

This weekend is going to be non-stop production and rehearsal pandemonium. I just hope I'm not scratching myself in an inappropriate manner in front of the cast. Nothing undermines your authority like hopping around like you're an extra from the "itching powder in the sleeping bags" episode of The Brady Bunch.

Yesterday was plain awful. (Yeah. I'm quoting a singing redhead. Sue me.) Today is just as itchy and bumpy and annoying as yesterday. I'm counting the minutes until I can pop another Claritin (don't tell, I'm going to take it a little sooner than 24 hours!)

For someone who's really never had a lot of medical problems, this last month has been a roller coaster I would like a refund on. And yet, it's been supremely enjoyable in terms of working on the show.

Every day brings a new and glorious prop/costume peice or (even better) a fantastic choice by a performer to move the story along. Sitting watching smart people play smart people? It's the bee's knees, brother!

I wonder if I've ever said thank you to John and Ross?
Ah. Fuck 'em.
Those assholes can eat a bag of dicks.

In other afraid, be very afraid.

And since I don't want to leave you entirely in the lurch for something to keep you occupied while I'm "offline", here's an upgrade on a classic.

Don't say I never did nuthin' for ya.

Note: I read "eat a bag of dicks" on a news blog today and it cracked me up and made me think of Mike Powers, who had that line in a play some years back. Nobody, and I mean nobody can deliver the line "eat a bag of dicks" like Powers.

Unfortunately, now, I can't stop repeating "eat a bag of dicks" in my head. I'm sure the meds are causing this along with the vertigo and the allergy. Stupid meds.


music is bliss said...

...yeah. Blame it on the meds. ; )

rebar said...

I tell you what...I took that Claritin around 1:15 and I'm itchy as a mf-er!

It's making my CRAZY.

So, yeah...I'm blaming the meds! :p

rebar said...

Now that I think about it, I think Power's actual line was, "Eat a dick."

But, I'm tired...and my brain is working at half speed on things not related to the show.
