Tuesday, February 24, 2009

the look

Maybe you know Chuck.

He is the canine muse to Beth H, creater of dooce.
He's kinda "internet famous" for being able to balance things on his head.

This is Chuck's counterpart, Coco.

I'm always envious of the shots Beth can get of these two.
While photogenic, Olive isn't really into posing for the cameras. Most shots I have of her are of furry out-of-focus dog ass.

Instead, I live vicarious thru Beth's awesome pooch photography.
I haven't been over to the site in a couple months...but it's been a longish day, so I thought I'd head over and get a dose to get me through the afternoon.

Normally, this is the sort of sight one might behold.

Which makes me feel better that Olive is Queen Destructor at my abode.

But this is today's post.
The most HAWESOME shot ever.

Go ahead. Click it.
You need to see this in a large format.
And yes, Chuck's male and Coco's female.
Which just adds to the delightfulness...
But, really? It's that look.
That look on Chuck's face.
Enjoy the rest of your day, my friends.
It's all downhill from here.