Monday, April 14, 2008

stand off

While I filed my Federal Income tax way back in early February (re: broke ass needed her return toot sweet!), I normally owe the great state of Illinois a buck or two, so I figured I could put that off for a couple months. Unfortunately, my brain hasn't been able to process that not only have we moved past March, that we're on the precipe of mid-April. Last night I scrambled my paperwork together and today I took a bit out of my lunch break to e-file.

My question is, had I scoffed at getting my return done on time, how long would it take before the manhunt (to track me and my measly $2 tax owed) kicked off? I mean, I'm sure I'd get a few strongly worded, "We will garnish your wages and fine you up the ass" letters - those would be on my doorstep within weeks...but how long before they come, Ruby Ridge style - banging down my door, gun scopes alit, screaming like that paperboy in Better Off Dead, "I want my two dollars!"

I guess we'll never know...



Not to jinx myself, but I just passed another milestone at work - a second trade show event (in a row) that I didn't have to attend. Woot! I thought I'd miss being on the road a bit more, but with all the bullshit going on at O'Hare (cancelled flights, rainy weather), I'm really quite relived that I'm "stuck" in the office. I've been flexible enough to make rehearsals and work on ideas for the RAW peice I'm directing next month...and yesterday, I got to relax a bit and read a book while Olive took a nap by my feet.

Hanging out more at home this last month, had me realising that I need to start some serious Spring Cleaning. I did start on it this weekend, but only scratched the surface of the behemoth, as I am both a housekeeping procrastinator of great acclaim and have the double whammy of being reared by a pair of pack rats. While I don't have cable, I've seen enough of Peter Walsh to know that I have some fucked up issues about crap I acquire.

I realise that I'll be home quite a bit this year, so I should really attempt to commit to that nesting thing and unpack my stuff. Yeah. It's been nearly four years since I moved into my place and beyond having boxes yet to unpack (I must not need that crap for reals), I've yet to hang anything on the walls or make my space my own.

My goal for April is to hang the wood blinds I bought back in November/December. I'd like to say I'll also hang some art this month...but I don't want to scare myself off the project entirely.

Baby steps, rebar. Baby steps.

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