Wednesday, January 14, 2009

cups running over and over and over

Arg. This is about the 5th post I've attempted in the last week. I have so much to pontificate about, but my writing has been...well, I'm literally boring myself. Oof. Not good.

I'm sure I'll climb out of this wordless trench where hyperbole comes to die...but in the mean time....

I will share this much.

For 2009, I've decided that "I'm not a morning person" is just not cutting it anymore. So, I've embraced the life of a coffee drinker. I've spent my entire adult life avoiding the "coffee trap" and now, I'm diving in.

I'm not sure why I've been avoiding tea. It's like I feel like I'm cheating on my commitment to coffee. And somehow to drink coffee and tea seems at odds. Yeah. The caffeine is already doing a number on my reasoning and logic functions.

Basically, a part of me misses me tea.


Anonymous said...

I'll go along with whatever that kid has to say about making tea. Looks about right. But, come on, wash a freakin' dish ya limey twit!
That cup looks like it's been soaking paint brushes in turpentine.

rebar said...

Dude. He's EXTREME. Those kinds of folks don't do the washing up.