Sunday, September 14, 2008

media 0, late night host 1

This gent has been a US citizen for less than 8 months.

He gets it. In this monologue from last Wednesday, he cut through all the blather of the past week and calls bullshit on the media, the campaigns and the apathy of the American public.

Listen, I'm an American. This country is at war. Right now, Americans in foreign lands, wearing the uniform, representing this country are losing their lives. Americans here in this country are losing their homes. We have two patriotic candidates, right? They both love this country. They have different ideas about what do with it. Learn about them. Read about them. Question them. Listen to them. Then on Election Day, excercise your right as an American and listen to yourself.

Why is it that people who have lived here their entire lives can't get the idea through their thick skulls that voting and reading and learning about the candidates should be one of the biggest responsiblities they hold.

1. Voting is your duty.
2. Voting is your sacred right.
3. If you don't vote, you're a moron.

Most states even have early voting so if you can't cram it into your day on Tuesday, November 4th, you have several chances to knock it out early. I "early voted" in the primaries and there was no line and it took all of ten minutes out of my day.

I volunteered to be an election judge this year. We'll see if I make the cut.

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