Sunday, October 19, 2008


Hanging out at K's last night...watching the tube, eating yummy cheese and some point, we turned on SNL because the curiosity to see what they'd do with Sarah Palin got the best of us.

[We missed the intro of Palin and Lorne Michaels...I have yet to catch that part]

We did catch the second appearance of Gov. Palin. If you missed it, she showed up in Weekend Update and the bit they wrote for her was a complete a waste of ink. The whole gimmick was,

Palin: I've decided not to do the bit you wrote for me.
Seth: Uh...OK...Amy, will you do the bit instead?
Amy: Uh...OK.

[Amy does bit - a "gangsta" style rap song]

Seth: Gee. I'm sure you're glad you didn't do that silly bit.
Palin: (...wait for it....) You betcha.

Yeah. A complete and utter waste of time and energy. After the last few well-executed and razor sharp Palin sketches, one had hope that they'd deliver another. But either her team had approval or the SNL folks got cold feet.

We all know that SNL runs hot and hella cold. After watching the sketch I'll call "Fart Face", I uttered, "Why are we watching this again?" Seriously? Sitting around in bad wigs calling each other "fart face" rates as comedy that people should tune in for?

I'm obviously not smoking the correct shit.

Afterwards we watched a few episodes of the excellent Chad Vader and All's Faire online series, both of which I recommend. (And if you are not up on the Drunk History shorts, truly, your world is bereft.)

I hate to be critical about the SNL writers (especially when I knew a few back in the day when I ran more with the improv wolves), but - brass tacks? When it comes down to it, this faux-commercial makes me laugh more than all the sketches put together last night. Oof.

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